Friday, September 2, 2011


Efficiency. It's a good thing.
So for my web programming class I've been instructed to post at least once a week a reflection on the neat stuff I've learned. But why make a blog that's just a month or two's worth of weeks journal posts? that's so wasteful. Instead, for the class I'm going to post the reflections, then when we're done with the class I'm going to go back, do the closest thing to deleting them  I can manage, and then I'm going to turn this into The Gamerz Rant. First things first:
So far the HTML we've learned just feels like any other programming I've learned so far. Nothing special yet. But, I'm wondering if I'm doing something wrong because Textpad didn't fill in the nice helpful highlights that I saw on Prof. Lillis' example, and it threw an error at me the first time I tried to save my page as a .html, when it didn't have anything in it but the braced opening and ending framework, and no contents. When I finally touched it up in the .html checking site that Lillis told us to use and got rid of all the errors, it still gave me two warnings about "potentially" problematic things, that both seemed to say the same thing, but I didn't know what it was saying, even when I checked the instruction page it linked to for them. *shrug*

Back to Intro'n. The Gamerz Rant. I've been told, and do know myself, that I have "vomit of the keyboard" in that I never shut up once something gets me started. Typically, this is actually a "someone" and I'm telling them something, or discussing something, or hell, who am I kidding, sometimes I'm just flat out arguing with them in a hostile manner. Some come off more knowledgeable than when I started, some hate my guts for it, no pattern is discernible because so far everyone reacts differently. The trend seems to indicate that I'm not a total ass though, because League of Legends now marks the the third game where I have a friends list of over a Hundred. I'm told that I tend to raise good points. And there's little I enjoy more than having someone improve their game because of the things I tell them.
But, Fear not! This is not going to be some dinky lecture zone. Oh no. I'z gonna have a mission statement here.
My goal is to post constructive criticism, suggestions, and helpful observations for people to use as needed (with appropriate credit being given when necessary). I want this to be a place that someone can come to to have a quick laugh, or to nod their head and say "I see", or "Mmm, a good point even if I don't agree."

Signatured, Zetro.

Oh and FYI, Unless otherwise stated, always assume that pictures are made by anyone other than myself.

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